
Genuine Toyota Negative Cable 82123-06090

$ 33.55

Availability: 73 in stock
  • Fitment Type: Direct Replacement
  • Model: Solara
  • Year: 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
  • Condition: New
  • Genuine OEM: Yes
  • Product Name: Genuine Toyota Negative Cable 82123-06090
  • Manufacturer Warranty: 1 Year
  • Make: Toyota
  • Brand: Toyota
  • Manufacturer Part Number: 82123-06090
  • SKU: 82123-06090


    Genuine Toyota Negative Cable 82123-06090
    Part can be found as
    in the diagram above
    Genuine Toyota & Scion Parts
    Product Description
    2.4L, manual trans.
    Manufacturer Part Number
    Genuine Toyota Negative Cable 82123-06090
    Thank you for your purchase! If you haven't already done so, please submit your VIN when purchasing OEM replacement parts. This allows us to verify part number accuracy to ensure you're getting the correct part for your vehicle! Our in-house OEM Toyota parts catalog is much more accurate than eBay's part fitment catalog. We want to ensure the quickest, easiest transaction possible and making sure you get the correct parts for your vehicle the first time is an important part of that process!
    About Us
    Thank you for visiting our eBay store! We are an authorized dealer of OEM Toyota/Scion and TRD parts located in the southern US. Our eBay store was started as an online wholesale outlet for our parts department. By allowing our customers to provide their own part numbers and operating this store as a wholesale business separate from our main parts department we are able to keep costs low and pass on the savings to you! We are proud to provide top quality service to meet all of your OEM parts, customization and accessory needs! Please contact us if you have any specific questions or comments. You can also contact us to inquire about any part not listed on our eBay store and we'll respond to you as soon as possible.
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    Thank you for shopping with us. Please find our policies below.
    If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
    Shipping Terms
    In stock orders ship within 2 business days.
    If a part is not in stock and must be ordered from the manufacturer, it usually takes 2-3 days to arrive to us and will be promptly shipped to you. Most of the orders are shipped complete within 2-3 business days. A few of the parts ordered from the manufacturer may take up to 5-6 business days to arrive and will shipped to you immediately.
    Depending upon location, ground shipments usually take 2-7 days.
    Your order may be shipped Overnight for an additional cost.
    Oversized shipments will be additional; you will be contacted prior to shipping for approval.
    We cannot guarantee transit times for ground and oversize orders.
    Shipping Carrier substitutions may be made at our determination in an attempt to reduce shipping costs. This will not affect Overnight or 2Day shipping times.
    We do not ship internationally.
    In the unlikely event that a part has been placed on backorder or discontinued, we will do our best to try and find one for you as quickly as possible.
    We do not ship COD orders.
    What if my item is lost or damaged during transport?
    Any damaged packages MUST be claimed in the presence of the delivery driver at the time of delivery. We pay for insurance on the full value of your order when shipping and can assist with filing damage claims but once the carrier has taken possession of the shipment we can not be held responsible for packages that are lost or damaged during transport. Even if there are no signs of damage to the packaging, please open and inspect your part(s) at the time of delivery. Any damage claims will be ineligible after the date of delivery.
    In the event of receiving a damaged item, please notify the carrier's representative or contact us through eBay immediately and send pictures of the damaged item if possible. Place your items in the same box and packaging in which you received it. FedEx (or other freight carrier) will want to pick it up for inspection after a claim has been filed.
    Do not attempt to repair or install a part that arrived damaged.
    If you do, any damage claims will be ineligible.
    Return Policy
    Return Policy
    You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund unless otherwise specified below. We are not responsible for part number errors on any OEM replacement part orders that are submitted without a VIN. If you are placing an order for an OEM replacement part, please include your VIN if you'd like us to confirm the part number accuracy and fitment on your specific vehicle! In the event that a return is necessary due to our error (wrong part recommended, part doesn't match VIN submitted, part received doesn't match part ordered) we will cover all return shipping costs and any additional shipping costs to get the correct part to you. In any other case the buyer will be responsible for any shipping costs associated with the return.
    Items MUST be returned in new, unopened condition. Any returned items that have been opened, installed, damaged, modified or used in any way will not be eligible for a refund and we will not be able to ship them back to you at our expense. Electrical items are not eligible for return. If you have an issue with any electrical item please contact us and we'll respond to you as soon as possible. A 20% restocking fee will be applied to any eligible returns after 30 days and will require prior authorization from us. Please see the list of parts ineligible for return below.
    What parts are ineligible for return?
    The following parts are
    eligible for return and credit will
    be issued:
    Discontinued parts
    Electrical parts
    Parts that have been opened, installed, used, prepped, painted or modified in any way
    Parts returned with missing, damaged or altered packaging(must be returned in the original OEM packaging)
    Parts returned with missing, damaged or altered part number label
    Parts that are missing hardware, any additional items or otherwise incomplete
    Apparel (Shirts, hats, etc)
    Parts and their boxes must be returned the way they were sent to you: boxes and parts CANNOT be written on
    Part labels MUST NOT be covered or marked through
    Toyota does not accept returns for parts or their containers if they are in this condition
    USPS will often try to cover the original manufacturer labels. If they do this, your return will not be accepted
    What if I decide to cancel my order after it has been processed but before it has shipped?
    You can cancel any order
    it has shipped for a full refund (including shipping charges) less any associated restocking fees for "special orders" if applicable. If the cancelled part was special ordered from the manufacturer a re-stocking fee of 20% may apply.

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